
Friday, May 2, 2008

Have you.....

felt like someone is ignoring you.....
or Have you felt like someone is mad at you because of what you have said.....
or just Have you felt like it is just you thinking of these things?

I don't know which it is...... no joke I don't.


megan haug said...

yup! sure have!

i would say most of the time in this kind of situation, it is all in our head! we just start to think something, and the let our minds get carried away with it.

maybe they aren't ignoring you, maybe they are just busy. maybe they aren't mad at you, but since you now realize what you said might have been something to make them mad, you are assuming that it did.

don't know if that made any sense. but at any rate, my advice would be this. if you did say something that you now realize might have upset them, go ahead and apologize. just let them know that you thought about what you said and realize it might have offended them, but that was not your intent.

and another piece of advice that i've had to learn the hard way- don't let the way someone is treating you (or the way you THINK they are treating you) change the way you treat them. if this person is your friend, love them unconditionally. not based on how much they seem to be loving you. it's easy to think, oh well, they seem to be ignoring me, so i'll just ignore them too. like i said, often times, we make false assumptions in these situations, so make an effort to NOT assume things, and to continue to love and treat them as a friend!!

sorry if that was longer than the simple answer you were expecting!! but i can really relate to this!

angela said...

well, there is not much more i can say after megan's great wisdom here!
i understand that feeling and it's not an easy place to be, is it jordyn? but the Lord knows your heart and the heart of your friend. and praying for your friend can only bring you closer to her. it's scary to be brave and be the first one to talk, but just talking to her/him and showing your continued friendship and desire to make things right between you will mean a lot to your friend. i hope things get better! let us know!

Elisabeth said...

i agree 100% to what both megan & you-you said! i have found myself in many situations where i think that a person is ignoring me, and a second later i believe it. its like i'm lying to myself. i just need to tell myself something for a split second and then, in only MY head, it become true.

but i think you definately should pray over the situation and ask yourself, & God, if the best decision is for you to talk to her/him. because letting them ignore you gets you and your friend no where!

i hope everything works out!

Brandy and Troy said...

I sure have, Jordy. Most of the time, it is all in your head or a huge misunderstanding. I agree with everyone else..Pray and continue to show your friend that you care about her/him. Praying for you!! Love ya, Brandy!!

Anonymous said...

I think we all feel that way. Just go back about a month or two on my blog and several people commented on that.

Anonymous said...

I know where you are going with this!!!!