I have my own business selling tote bags. I don't have any pictures of them, but I do have different sizes and prices. Here are the sizes and prices......
Large- $9 w/name -size "14 by 13"- colors Snow White, Tan, Yellow, Green, Royal Blue, Navy, Teal, Dark Purple, Red, and Denim.
Medium- $5 w/name -size "10 1/2 by 8 1/2"- colors Snow White, Tan, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Purple, and Denim.
Small- $2 w/name -size "8 by 7 1/2" - colors Snow White, Tan, Yellow, Green, Royal Blue, Purple, and Teal.
Could you post pictues? I would be very interested in a purchase or too, but would like to know how big or small each tote is.
Hey Jordyn! I'll take one large one in dark puple for myself...& three mediums for the girls...Shakira-yellow, Phoebe-purple, Samara-pink. Thanks!
No, Mrs. Kathy Thank you!!!!!!
Cool idea!
You're welcome! :o)
I want to see pictures too!!! I think I might need a few. Can you arrange delivery to Haiti???
Yes, I can do that. I will post pictures today!
I am sorry I did not post pictures. I will post pics ASAP!!!
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