
Saturday, January 23, 2010

7th grade a struggle...

definitely not it is so easy and i am getting good grades... the only hard thing is trying to find someone that goes to church and watches their language... that is pretty hard for a lot of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at my school...

some kids at my old school made a blog that is called struggling through 7th grade or something like that... but i don't see how they could be struggling they all go to a good Christian based school... the hardest thing with that is the grading scale is hard... other than that i think that they have it pretty good...

1 comment:

Grandma said...

So sorry about that sweetie.... the language thing.... makes them think they're cool or something. Weird thinking! I know that's hard to have to be around, it grieves your spirit. I'll be praying for you (and them!).

Love you much.